Sabtu, 19 Februari 2011

myth story about insurance

myth story about insurance
Many misleading myths that circulate in the community about the insurance. This is some of them. This list will always be our updates every time we find other mitos2.

Myth: If I had life insurance, it means I do not believe God's protectionAnswer: When we left the car / house, if we lock the door or not? If we believe in the protection of God, of course, we do not need to lock the door at all, because God will take care of us. God gave to human intellect and mind so that people could think. Just as God gives us reason to want to lock the door of the car / house when leaving and do not make God as keepers at home / your car, then God also gave us minds so that we can protect ourselves from things that are not unexpected by taking protection insurance and do not blame God when things happen that are not in want.
Myth: Insurance claims difficult, and often do not pay.Answer: If the hard insurance claims and convoluted, then the insurance business would continue to shrink because no one else would insurance. In fact insurance business continues to grow each year. Why not pay life insurance claims can be read here
Myth: Participatory life insurance that means I will soon die.Answer: If all life insurance customers soon died not long after take insurance, then insurance companies would have been bankrupt long ago, because of how the customer can pay claims whose value is not comparable to the premium paid. Precisely the fact remains most long-lived because of insurance clients in prayer by all employees and insurance agents, so the next year and the next tahun2 customers can continue to pay insurance premiums so that they all can still work and the salary by the company.

1 komentar:

  1. Thank you for sharing your experience as I have learnt so many good points from it. Also I find that claim process is very difficult, it took more than a month to get the claim in case of my friends auto policy. So I was also worried to know about his experience. But I am convinced after reading your post. Thanks.
    commercial insurance
